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Student Conduct

Student Conduct

The purpose of discipline procedures is to provide a positive learning environment for our schools. A positive learning environment requires students to abide by the established rules and guidelines. The school staff and parents/guardians share the responsibility of helping children behave appropriately in a school environment where children have rights and responsibilities. The staff will help students learn to follow rules of proper conduct and safety. Program staff reserve the right to restrict student conduct and dress, when, in their opinion, it is disruptive or disrespectful to the general educational process. Student self-discipline is a main goal of discipline procedures in the school district. Another goal is to foster communication between the school staff and parents/guardians to help students behave properly.

Bullying Prohibition

“Bullying” means intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harmful conduct that is objectively offensive and an actual or perceived imbalance of power exists between the student engaging in the prohibited conduct and the target of the prohibited conduct, and the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern; or substantially interferes with a student’s education opportunities or performance or ability to participate in school functions or activities or receive school benefits, services, or privileges. An act of bullying, by either an individual student or a group of students, is expressly prohibited on school district property or at school-related functions. All information regarding Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition and the Bullying Reporting Form are found in district policies on the website.

An act of bullying, by either an individual student or a group of students, is expressly prohibited on school district property or at school-related functions. No teacher, administrator, volunteer, contractor, or other employee of the school district shall permit, condone, or tolerate bullying.

A safe and civil environment is needed for students to learn and attain high academic standards and to promote healthy human relationships. Bullying, like other violent or disruptive behavior, is conduct that interferes with students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to educate students in a safe environment. The school district cannot monitor the activities of students at all times and eliminate all incidents of bullying between students, particularly when students are not under the direct supervision of school personnel. However, to the extent such conduct affects the educational environment of the school district and the rights and welfare of its students and is within the control of the school district in its normal operations, it is the school district’s intent to prevent bullying and to take action to investigate, respond, remediate, and discipline those acts of bullying which have not been successfully prevented. The purpose of this policy is to assist the school district in its goal of preventing and responding to acts of bullying, intimidation, violence, and other similar disruptive behavior. It is the responsibility of the student being bullied to report this behavior to allow the school to intervene and take appropriate action.

Reporting Bullying Guidelines

Any bullying or harassment should be reported to an adult staff member at school. School administration will then handle the report accordingly. The names of the reporter(s) will remain confidential. There may be special circumstances when this may not be possible during the investigation to obtain accurate information.

Forms of Bullying

  • Physical Bullying is the most obvious form of intimidation and can consist of kicking, hitting, biting, pinching, hair pulling, and making threats. A bully may threaten to punch you if you don’t give up your money, your lunch, etc.
  • Verbal Bullying often accompanies physical behavior. This can include name calling, spreading rumors, and persistent teasing.
  • Emotional Bullying is closely related to these two types of bullying. A bully may deliberately exclude you from a group activity such as a party or school outing.
  • Cyber-bullying is one or group of students using electronic means via computers and mobile phones (emails, Websites, chats, messaging or texting) to torment, threaten, humiliate, embarrass or target another student.

Discipline Guidelines

Teachers take the first steps in correcting inappropriate behaviors. If these steps are ineffective and the inappropriate behavior continues, consequences progress. In cases where the students conduct violates school/district policies or expectations, the student, school staff, and parents will work together to resolve the issue. The information outlined in this handbook is a guideline. Principals will work with all parties involved to ensure appropriate consequences and restitution, when applicable. A primary goal is to maintain a physically and emotionally safe learning environment for everyone at the Riverside Academy Programs. The ultimate goal is the development of responsible, respectful, and self-directed behavior.

Behavior Modification Options

  • Conflict Resolution: Students may be responsible for written and verbal resolution of conflict. 
  • Contracts: Certain patterns of behavior may result in the development of an individualized contract for behavior.
  • Parent Conference: Parent/guardian involvement is of utmost importance in ensuring the success of students in our schools. Parents/guardians often are asked to attend conferences in school regarding their son/daughter.
  • Removal from Class: Removal from class is the short term exclusion of a student from class during which time the school retains custody of him/her. Students removed from class will process with staff and return to class as deemed appropriate.
  • Schedule Reduction: Students may receive a shortened schedule.
  • Fines/Restitution: Certain situations may necessitate reimbursement of fines or costs by the student.Suspension: Certain types of student misbehavior may result in removal from school from one day up to 15 days. Administration assigned suspensions are school excused. Students will be permitted to complete make-up work and classroom participation.
  • Expulsion: Extreme student misbehavior may result in the student being removed from school for the remainder of the year, or for up to one calendar year.

Due Process

If students feel that they have followed procedures concerning school policy yet have reached an impasse, they may file a grievance by doing the following:

  • Step 1: The student must present a written statement of facts concerning the impasse to the principal within 15 days of the initial situation. The statement should include specifics such as dates, names, and incidents.
  • Step 2: The principal will investigate the grievance and respond in writing to the student and faculty member involved within five days.
  • Step 3: If the impasse is not resolved, the grievance will be presented to the superintendent of schools and a meeting of involved parties will be arranged, including parents/guardians of the involved student. Conciliation is the goal of this meeting. A time limit of 10 days is provided for this procedure.
  • Step 4: If the impasse is not resolved, it will be presented to the school board. Their decision will be final.

Students, parents and other guardians, and school staff may file a complaint and seek corrective action when the requirements of the Minnesota Pupil Fair Dismissal Act, including the implementation of the local behavior and discipline policies, are not being implemented appropriately or are being discriminately applied. Complaints should be filed with the Director of Administrative Services at (763) 689-6235.

Harassment, Violence and Hazing

Maintaining a learning and working environment free of harassment and violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability is a priority for Cambridge-Isanti Schools. School district Policy 413 - Harassment and Violence and Policy 525 – Violence Prevention outlines what constitutes violence and harassment. The reporting form is found on the website. Reports should be made to the building principal or Human Rights Officer, the Director of Administrative Services and Human Resources, 763-689-6235.

The School District encourages the reporting party or complainant to use the report form available from the principal of each building or the school district office, but oral reports shall be considered complaints as well. Submission of a good faith complaint or report of religious, racial or sexual harassment or violence will not affect the complainant’s future employment, grades or work assignments.

The School District will respect the confidentiality of the complainant, individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the school district’s legal obligations and the necessity to investigate, take appropriate action and conform with any discovery or disclosure obligations.

The complete text of the Religious, Racial and Sexual Harassment and Violence Policy is available in each building Principal’s Office and the District Office or check district policy online.

Harassment, Sexual, Racial, Religious or Sexual Orientation

Sexual Harassment - Definition

  • Sexual Harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct which is related to an individual’s sexuality, when the conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or academic environment or interference with an individual’s work or academic performance.

Racial Harassment - Definition

  • Racial harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct relating to an individual’s race when the conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or academic environment or interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or opportunities.

Religious Harassment - Definition

  • Religious harassment consists of physical or verbal conduct which is related to an individual’s religion when the conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or academic environment or interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or opportunities.

Violation of the district policy concerning religious, racial and sexual harassment and violence will result in one or more of the following consequences:

  • Parent/guardian notification and/or principal conference
  • One to fifteen-day suspension
  • Conference with principal, which may also include human rights officer, juvenile justice authorities, counselor or other appropriate individuals
  • Expulsion
  • Enforcement of Minnesota State High School League rules as applicable

School Activities Conduct

The type and level of behavior expected of students during instructional times is also expected during other school-related activities such as lyceums, field trips, and concerts. Good audience behavior includes sitting quietly, paying attention and showing appreciation for the efforts of the performers. Frequently, special behavior rules are applied during field trips because of the variety of settings and activities. Students are expected to follow the direction of their adult leaders, pay attention and represent their community in the best possible way. When activities involve other schools, respectful and sportsmanlike conduct is required.

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This handbook item is specific to Riverside Academy.

This handbook item is specific to Riverside Academy.

This handbook item is specific to Riverside Academy.